
About Me

So, I'm sorry that I haven't done this before but here is a little bit of things that you should get to know about me first before you go about looking on my blog for cheats and stuff because if you get knowledge about something from someone and you don't even know anything about them, then you are just stealing. My name is Adonica Monea Munoz. My favorite color at the current time is blue. I am a ten year old girl who goes to Village East Elementary Community School(Pretty long name, isn't it?). And some of the online places that I go to are Club Penguin (If I didn't, would I have this blog?), Millsberry, and sometimes I go on the multiplayer games on Girls Go Games.com. on Club Penguin, you can find me as Lipstick Red, Pink Cloth, Adonicamunoz, Daylon 22, and occasionally, Date Boy 744. On Millsberry, I am known as berryfungames. Well, actually that's my username. You can find me in the Address Book by typing in berryfungames. I'm known as Lika. On Girls Go Games, my favorite game is Bomberman Pengu. Wow! That is a lot. I should stop now not only because there is very much, but even i don't know more about me than that. Bye!

Rockhopper is Back!

I know, I know. We're all excited for this terrific time that Rockhopper is back. He will arrive tomorrow, Friday, February 27, 2009. If you go to the top of the Lighthouse and look through the telescope, you will see the ship. Some say that this time, he will bring white puffles! Remember that if you do get one of these rare and amazing puffles, then feed it and care for it as you would any other puffle. But just remember: DON'T LOSE HIM IN THE SNOW!!!


Me, Pink Cloth and My Other Penguins

Okay, I have actually only two penguins on Club P., but I will only tell you a secret about one of them. I'm feeling generous, so I feel like telling you the penguin name and password.

My Penguin----------The Password
