

So this isn't such an exciting theme, but: BOXES

Yup, that's right. BOXES. Members, check out the box store. Non-members, check out the member's igloos. Here's a hint: Some members own PORTAL BOXES. These specially designed boxes will take you to another dimension of BOXES. Just BOXES. You should check it out, it's really cool.

I use more than just Pink Cloth and Adonicamunoz. I use my friend's penguin, Daylon 22. It is so not cool, but that is the only way that I can tell you about the member world. Okay, it is time to go. Good bye!

Hey, By the way, check out YouTube.com and search Club Penguin, Rockhopper, G, or Aunt Arctic for some HILARIOUS videos and some hacks that won't get you banned! (But it may get a different penguin banned) Have fun!